Educational events

Educational events

Think about how you could be different. Invite your family and friends to participate in activities together! This way, you will strengthen the community and spend quality time together.

Actively plan and schedule time in advance. If you are an active person, it might seem like you have no time for anything, and you can only meet with friends whenever you free up from your work routine.

Such day may never come unless you make an effort to plan something specific.

Medžių sodinimo fiestą

Balandžio 20d. KVIEČIAME į Medžių sodinimo fiestą “Keliautojų namuose” 🎉🌱☀️
Komandinis medžių sodinimas: įdomus, prasmingas ir džiuginantis renginys!

Renginio metu:

  • Sodinsime savo išsirinktus medelius
  • Smagiai leisime laiką gamtoje
  • Gražinsime ir leisime aitvarus
  • Pramogausime kartus su mažaisiais gamtos mylėtojais
  • Skanausime – kaip gi be užkandžių?

Tad nepamiršk ir susitinkame!

Balandžio 20d.

Renginio pradžia 14 val.

Maloniai prašome registruotis telefonu +370 615 46873 or via email at iki balandžio 19d.

Abaliukai festival 2023

Moments from the „Abaliukai festival”! „Travelers House“ – a perfect spot for friends, families and communities’ gatherings. Participants of the lively „Abaliukai festival“ enjoyed the stunning nature, each other’s company, waterboard park, delved into the intricacies of ceramics, savored delicious food and continued to be pampered by the sun.